LMAC#157 Entry: "Battlefield Earth"

I'm beginning to realize that there's a pattern in how I create my collage for the LMAC; it starts with a beautiful serene photo by @shaka and then I turn it into a war zone of some sort. In my previous entry, I staged a battle between a giant and a warlock together with his animal friends. And now, I turned it into an alien-human battlefield.

I don't mean to obliterate the beautiful photo, it's just that I'm really fascinated by this kind of scene in a movie. It shows the bravery of humanity by defending our world from invading aliens. I guess it was inspired by the many sci-fi movies that I watched and liked in the past.

I really enjoyed creating this entry, here:


Here's how I created my collage

1) Here's the base image:


2) First is to place the centerpiece on the image.


3) And then add the elements surrounding it, these are soldiers on parachutes.


4) The soldiers in the foreground create interesting features as this part of the image is empty.


5) My favorite part, add the explosions!


6) Color correction to enhance the look of the image. I want to create an intense feeling that you will feel during a war.


7) For the final touches on the image,


Images I used in my collage

Flying Saucer: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/generated-ufo-extraterrestrial-7636610/
Parachute Soldier: https://pixabay.com/photos/skydiver-parachute-skydiving-flying-2183279/
Chinnok Helicopter: https://pixabay.com/photos/helicopter-chinook-raf-flight-4421914/
Soldiers: https://pixabay.com/photos/soldiers-army-military-operation-1002/
Solid Explosion: https://pixabay.com/photos/shot-explosion-broken-bullet-1788398/
Dust Explosion: https://pixabay.com/photos/volcano-smoke-ash-mountain-4493461/
Fire Explosion: https://pixabay.com/photos/apocalypse-catastrophe-end-time-2273069/
Smoke on the midground: https://pixabay.com/photos/city-fire-smoke-building-4164458/
Space color image: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/space-science-fiction-cosmos-911785/

If you wish to participate in the latest round of LMAC contest, you may refer to this link:

Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 157 - ✨142 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Thank you!

My journey to the world of LMAC.


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