My participation in Raund #157 of Let's Make a Collage. The romanticism of another world. EN/ESP

Image created for the contest with Gimp


This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to english by clicking HERE

Hola, comunidad, esta es mi participación en el Round 157 de Let's Make a Collage.

Para iniciar, quiero agradecer a @shaka, por la iniciativa de este proyecto. Además, quiero darle las gracias a @quantumg dado que utilicé imágenes que colocó en #LIL para mi post.

Sobre mi collage quiero compartir que fue inspirado en el romanticismo que se trasmite en esta época cercana a San Valentín. Imagine a una pareja celebrando, compartiendo un momento muy importante y romántico, viendo un hermoso cielo estrellado. Siendo atendidos por dos extraterrestres, uno sirviéndoles vino y el otro tocando una hermosa melodía. Además, un ovni formo una nube en forma de corazón para la pareja.

Espero que haya sido de su agrado.

Así mismo, invito a todos los lectores del post, al igual que a todos los interesados en realizar procesos creativos, dentro de #Hive, a participar.

Para ingresar al concurso, Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 157. Te esperamos.


Puedes leer este post en Español dando clic aquí HERE

Hello, community, this is my participation in Round 157 of Let's Make a Collage.

To start, I want to thank @shaka, for the initiative of this project. Also, I want to thank @quantumg since I used images he posted on #LIL for my post.

About my collage I want to share that it was inspired by the romanticism that is transmitted in this time close to Valentine's Day. Imagine a couple celebrating, sharing a very important and romantic moment, watching a beautiful starry sky. Being attended by two extraterrestrials, one serving them wine and the other playing a beautiful melody. In addition, a UFO formed a cloud in the shape of a heart for the couple.

I hope you liked it.

Likewise, I invite all readers of the post, as well as all those interested in making creative processes, within #Hive, to participate.

To enter the contest, Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 157. We are waiting for you.

Original image by @shaka


Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.






Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leerme.
Traducido en la herramienta DeepL

Thank you for taking the time to read me.
Translated in the tool DeepL

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