Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 176

Este collage que he creado para Let's Make a Collage me hace pensar en los elementos que nos rodean y que a veces tergiversan la realidad.
Aprendamos a observar lo que no se ve y a percibir nuestro propio universo.

¡Bravo! @yetsimar por haber sido designada como juez invitada de esta semana.

This collage I created for Let's Make a Collage makes me think about the elements around us that sometimes misrepresent reality.

Let's learn to observe the unseen and perceive our own universe.

Bravo! @yetsimar for being appointed as this week's guest judge.

Te veo, a través de las burbujas del tiempo
te observo, entre las ramas que ocultan la realidad
te intuyo en el polen de las flores
sé que siempre estarás.

I see you, through the bubbles of time
I observe you, among the branches that hide reality
I sense you in the pollen of the flowers
I know you will always be.

Imagen by @shaka

Para realizar este collage, partí de una idea y un poema que surgió de la idea inicial. Fusioné a través de Canva la hermosa fotografía que nos suministró @shaka con la idea fantasmal de una mirada en la profundidad del bosque. Los elementos de LIL gracias a sus colaboradores me ayudaron a representar mi idea. ¡Gracias!

To make this collage, I started from an idea and a poem that came from the initial idea. I merged through Canva the beautiful photograph provided by @shaka with the ghostly idea of a glance in the depth of the forest. The elements of LIL thanks to its collaborators helped me to represent my idea. thank you!

Contributed to the
#LIL by @yetsimar.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @alex2alex.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @teungkulik.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @mballesteros.

Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay


Traducción por DeepL

Translation by DeepL


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Vote la-colmena for witness
By @ylich

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