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War and Fear - Let's Make a Collage - Round 120

The creative work is a depiction of war and its horrors. The global situation is not peaceful enough for certain parts of the world to live freely. The war and fear can be seen in every part of the world in various forms, we humans have to unite and work together to end every sort of war and fear.

(Entry for LMAC Contest # 120)

(Base image provided by @Shaka curator of @LMAC community)

Following images are derived from #LIL Website LMAC Gallery

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @lunaturqueza.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Following image is taken from Pixabay:

Free for Commercial Use, No Attribution Rquired.

If you like the creative work, have your say in comments section, it will encourage me to create more such content and your feedback helps me to improve my work for future content.


This entry is part of a community giveaway contest organized by "Let's Make a Collage" #LMAC, if you like to be part of this community and participate in the contest please click the link given below and join this creative community.

Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 120 - ✨213 HIVE in the Prize Pool!

#creativecoin #Tribes