LIL - 10 Drum Set Images (3D Renders with Transparent Backgrounds)


Wow! It's been a little while since I've been able to create a post for the LMAC Image Library! I wish I could keep up with it and the collages more consistently, but I've just been busy with other things.

I've actually been creating tutorial, timelapse, and tips videos on YouTube the last few months to teach people how to use Blender (the 3D program I use to create all these images). It's my goal to eventually create a business around it, which is why all my free time has been sucked away lately 😂.

But, I also love the LMAC community and don't want to abandon it, so I want to start contributing the models I create for my brand's videos, to the library.

If anyone is interested in my channel, you can check it out here: Pixelseek.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these images, and that they are useful to someone! My next project is an electric guitar. I have it created already, I just need to remember to take a few minutes and render out all the angles for the LIL. Hopefully I'll get to it this week! 😅


Drums - Low Front View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - Low Front Left View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - Low Back Left View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - Low Back View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - Low Back Right View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - High Front View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - High Front Left View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - High Back Left View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - High Back View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
Drums - High Back Right View drums, instruments, music, fun, creative, arts, transparent, cutouts
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