Let's Make a Collage - Round 82 - facing the queen of the sea / enfrentando a la reina del mar

hi! I want to share you the collage I've made for the new round of the contest.
this time we had the original image was a coast with a wavy sea, so I imagined a knight on the shore in front of a giant sea goddess. My favorite part is where sea merged with the face.
Since this was a tense moment, I added a flame to contrast the elements war between water and fire, and how tiny are we humans in front of the giant and wild nature.

¡Hola! Quiero compartirles el collage que hice para la nueva ronda del concurso.
esta vez teníamos la imagen original que era una costa con un mar lleno de olas, así que me imaginé a un caballero en la orilla frente a una diosa gigante del mar. Mi parte favorita es donde el mar se fusionó con la cara. Como este es una escena intensa, agregué una llama para contrastar la guerra de elementos entre el agua y el fuego, y cuán pequeños somos los humanos frente a la naturaleza gigante y salvaje.

here are the images I had used on the collage, I had used adobe photoshop for it.

Aquí están las imagenes que usé en el collage. He usado adobe photoshop,

all images from unsplash.com
storm/tormenta: https://unsplash.com/photos/E-Zuyev2XWo
twin fishes/ peces dobles: https://unsplash.com/photos/nCz_ZgnbtaE
single nemo fish/ pez nemo: https://unsplash.com/photos/V7SKRhXskv8
turtle/ tortuga: https://unsplash.com/photos/L-2p8fapOA8
blue fishes/ peces azules: https://unsplash.com/photos/yWYP1hrFAn8
knight/caballero: https://unsplash.com/photos/Z0z67PEJxIk
woman face/ rostro de la mujer: https://unsplash.com/photos/QS9ZX5UnS14

original contest image / imagen original del desafío

I hope you liked it! / Espero te guste!