Round 145/Simply

Hello friends I am happy to participate again in Let's Make a Collage a contest sponsored by my friend @shaka, I send a special greeting to his great team that accompanies him week by week. In this collage I concentrated on the lady's hair and placed the image of the contest in some of the flowers that decorate the woman's hair and to give a different touch I placed an octopus on top of her head, I hope you like it. Behind the lady I arranged a pink bonzai tree, which has some friends who visit it, they are monarch butterflies and in the trunk of the tree is the keeper of this majestic plant, something like a being of nature.

This is my entry in the Round of 145 Let's Make a Collage.

This is the template for the contest.

The images used are in the public domain included in the white list

3 columns
2 columns
1 column