Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 136 (EN-ES)

Hello friends of Hive!
I share with you my collage designed to participate in the 136th round of the Let's make a collage contest!
Being the first time I participate in something like this, I must confess that I really liked the exercise and I found it very interesting!

The king took his place on his throne while the fish flew through the sky and the birds waited for the sea in a colorful sunset.

Hola amigos de Hive!
Les comparto mi collage diseñado para participar en la ronda 136 del concurso ¡Hagamos un collage!
Siendo la primera vez que participo en algo asi, debo confesar que me gusto mucho el ejercicio y me pareció super interesante!

El rey tomo lugar en su trono mientras los peces volaban por el cielo y las aves esperaban por el mar en un atardecer colorido.

Original Image Provided By @shaka

Imagen original proporcionada por @shaka

LIL resources used

Soure by @quantumg

Source by @yaziris

Source by @hernleon74

Source by @hernleon74

Source by @quantumg

Source by @cetb2008

  • Image edited with photoshop

I invite you to participate and develop your creativity, learn more here

Te invito a participar y desarrollar tu creatividad, infórmate aquí

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