Let's Make A Collage Round 203: Well Water

Hello everyone, to our amazing community Let's Make a Collage contest ably hosted by @shaka which is in its round 203. To know more about the contest, find out more via this announcement post 👇 @lmac/lets-make-a-collage-a-contest-for-all-creatives-on-hive-round-203-60-hive-in-the-prize-pool

This is my collage:

Water, it.is said is life. No living things, both man, animals and even plants will survive without water. Thus, the importance of water cannot be over emphasized.

In this wonderful collage, I have depicted a water in the well that serves both man.and animals. A young boy could be seen drawing water from the nearby well while an elderly man carries sit it probably to his house.

Here are the images I used for the collages

Bird on a Pier Piling by @agmoore

Man Walking by @agmoore

Fetching Water

Carrying Water


Thanks for viewing my collage.

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