Let's Make A Collage Round 189: Different Habitats

Hello everyone, welcome to my contrasting edition of the Let's Make a Collage contest ably hosted by @shaka which is in its round 189. To know more about rhe contest find out more via this announcement post 👇

Here is my collage:

Some mammals, insects and their likes choose their habitat which suits their nature. Some live on both rocky and swampy environment whole others choose either of the two. As could be seen above, the snail has chosen both the rocky and swampy environment, same with the butterfly.

However, the beetle and even the scorpion chose the rocky mountainous environment. Such is life. The butterfly likes sweet scent and the nectar. It also went for such surfaces. Such is life.

To do this wonderful collage, here are the images I used.

Disney Roller Coaster

YELLOW SNAIL - POSE 12 @borjan

Yellow flower on dark background by @borjan


Cleopatra butterfly (Gonepteryx cleopatra) by @borjan

European rhinoceros beetle by @borjan

Scorpion on white background - pose 1 by @borjan

To you my reader, thanks for finding out tone to reviw

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