What do you see in this picture "Become a Meal For some Crabs"

What do you see in this picture

here I come to share with you my participation in Round 152 of the Let's Make a Collage Contest organized by @shaka.

Template photo LMAC Link, photographed by @shaka LMAC Link

a little explanation about this collage

Can you see, the dangers that we can face when in the water or around coral reefs. maybe you will be fascinated to be around it, maybe you will forget that the oxygen cylinder will be empty. finally a meal for some crabs on the coral reefs, can you last a long time smiling and covering your mouth and your friends are very annoyed with the air tube that will run out soon where the water hour already requires you to be at sea level.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

photographed by Kresimir Gettzy ffrom Pixabay

photographed by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Crab PurePNG Link

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