LIL: Seasonal Images for the LMAC Library

It is September! Another summer is drawing to a close. Squirrels are scurrying, yellow school buses sprouting like weeds in traffic. Yes, another life cycle begins (or ends?). The pictures posted today for LIL, LMAC's Image Library, may reflect some of that seasonal flux. Are the images somber? I don't think so. I hope in a way they celebrate life, and experience.

If you'd like to borrow these pictures for any Hive use, please do. They will soon be in the LMAC library, where they will be in the public domain. Anyone may borrow them. Anyone may contribute to the library. Rules and procedures are spelled out here.

The LMAC contest is on a late summer break. Check out @shaka's blog on September 15th, when a spectacular new template photo will be revealed as the contest begins anew.

To all my readers, please enjoy every day in any way you can. Moments, whether captured in a photo or not, have a way of passing quickly.

Sandy Beach on the Potomac River Beach, River, Trees
Fallen Tree in James River River, Water, Tree
James River River, Trees, Water
Swimming in the River River, Swimmer, Forest
Rainbow Over the Water Ocean, Sky, Rainbow
Rainbow on the Coast Rainbow, Ocean, Pier, Shore
Spider in the Closet Spider, Clothes, Closet
Boats on the Hudson River River, Boats, Pier
Pier on the Hudson River Mountain, River, Pier
Pilings in the Water River, Water, Pilings, Bird
Hudson River View River, Boats, Pier, Sunset
Colonial Beach Municipal Pier Arch, Municipal Pier, River
View From the Shore at Gilgo Sky, Shore, Car, Dunes
Leisure Boats on the Sound Water, Speedboats, Brush, Sky
Tree Fungus Tree Fungus
Dogs Swimming in the James River Dogs, River, Person, Animals
Girl on a Forest Path Girl, Person, Forest Path
Waterfall Waterfall, Stone Walls
Clearing by the James River Forest Path, River View
View From an Airplane Airplane Wing, View From the Sky
Inside the Airport Escalator, Airport
Blue Sport Car Automobile, Car, Transportation, Cutout
Fantasy House Ornamental House, Fantasy House, Building, Cutout
Man Walking Dogs Man, Dog Walking, Animals, Cutout
Straw Basket Straw Basket, Cutout
Wicker Chair With Cushion Wicker Chair, Furniture, Cutout
Eyeglasses Eyeglasses, Cutout
Wood End Table End Table, Furniture, Cutout
Vintage House Blue House, Vintage House, Building, Cutout
Road Sign Share the Road Sign, Cutout
Sign on a Pole Saying 'No' No Dogs, No Fires, No Alcohol, No Vehicles, Road Sign, Cutout
Old House Old House, Cutout, Building
Gnarled Tree Trunk Tree Trunk, Cutout
Cute Dog Face Dog Face, Animal, Pet, Cutout
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