BeachApp. Year 2084. My collage for Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 77

BeachApp email.jpg

Dear friend, I have to tell you that your App is great. I tried it with my family and we had a great day. If it wasn't for people like you, the confinement would have killed us more than the virus.
My nephews tell me that it feels very real and that the Float function is the coolest.
I haven't noticed any bugs. For me the Warm sunny feeling was the best experience.
Best regards.
We should meet at the BeachApp spa one of these days.
Take care

PS. Has everyone in your building been vaccinated yet? Do you think it will work this time? Nah! That's why you made the App.

BeachApp.pngForma libre escala de grises.png

About the process

@shaka gave us a photo. And I started thinking and this story came up.
With various filters I made a spa of light, color and distortion I painted in Gimp on the photo.

Ronda 77.jpg

BeachApp Balneario.jpg

I made the members of a happy family in Make Human and left them looking like the topological grid. After all, they are projections. This beach day with family projections is a special form of happy nightmare. I hope this smiling future never catches up with us.



This time I didn't use any repository images.
Y esto me ha dejado pensando.

Forma libre escala de grises.png

Esta es mi contribución para Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 77(Pincha en el enlace y mira las reglas. Luego, sin dudarlo, participa).

Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos siempre.

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