Staking and (Crypto) Dividends: Why Hodl and Wait When You Can Stake and Earn While You Wait?


Greetings and Salutations! I hope everyone is well!

Before I dig in I need to confess that I knew very little about this topic when I tossed out the idea of discussing it, and was surprised this was the one on the list that got noticed. After several days of not really getting around to looking into it, then glancing at a single website about it, I believe I know enough to say you should check this out:,of%20%E2%80%9Cplaying%20it%20safe%E2%80%9D.

The news report is fine, but the real meat is down in the article. There's a very good explanation of Proof of Stake and Proof of Work that makes it easier to understand how dividends are earned.

In simple terms, Proof of Work requires energy to obtain resources and Proof of Stake pays a tax to use resources already in existence. That's probably abhorrently over-simplified to the point of incorrect, but I warned you of my level of knowledge on the topic... :D If you're interested in a better breakdown, I highly recommend reading the article. It's full of great info, such as...
This link:

I only glanced at it, so don't hold me too accountable, but it's a list of current crypto assets that can be staked for varying APRs.
I was going to list and discuss a few of the higher paying ones here, but there's a lot to look into. Thorchain is offering 109%, which has me intrigued, since I've been wanting to learn more about RUNE anyway. I have it in mind that the guys over at are really into it, and if you haven't noticed, the price of LEO has gone from around $0.25 a month or so ago, to around $0.65 at the time of this writing, so I'm it has my attention.

There are plenty others that look less outlandish, but still plenty of names I recognized that are paying over 20% and 30%. I definitely want to go over this list later when I have some time to look over it. If anyone else gets to it before I do please share your thoughts on it!

That's all I have on this for now. I'm sure I'll revisit it but I don't know when. I guess it depends on how front and center it is. Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to sound off in the comments!

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