Nature’s darling gift to me (introductory post)

I have finally said bye to procrastination and here I am writing my first Post.
Hello my name is Dr. Imeobong , my friends call me Zela. I think right from an early age, I had always wanted to be a medical doctor. I never knew anyone around me who was a medical doctor that tickled my passion but I had my Mum who is a nurse, she is very passionate and I subconsciously modeled after her.
After I finished secondary school, there was no debating what I wanted to study in the university ,medicine was an absolute decision and nature’s darling gift to me.
Being in medical school was arduous and fun, looking back now, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
It is where I transitioned from a teenager to a young adult while navigating life and friendships.
Medical school was where I became aware that my mental health is as important as my physical health because I was dared in every aspect.
For me it was like a roller coaster from being excited and acknowledging that I am at a good place mentally to just being happy to be alive.


First day in Medical school


After my final exams 👩🏾‍⚕️

When I am not working , there are other things I enjoy doing that makes me happy such as sewing, dressing up/looking good, watching movies,dancing,listening to music ( my favorite artists include Tems, Rihanna( I can listen to her all day😂), 21 pilots ), I also enjoy traveling, hanging out and having fun with friends and taking walks.

Fun night out 💃🏾


One of my spontaneous travels with friends 😄

My Mum enjoyed sewing and as a little kid, I remember her making clothes for I and my siblings and Watching her sew, made me take an interest in sewing... I saw it more like a hobby anyway.
In secondary school, I would help my friends mend their clothes, so if anyone had a problem with their clothes they would always come to me and while in medical school, I enjoyed making beautiful outfits for people and the fact that sewing was a hobby of mine made it easy for me to combine it with school.
Here some pictures of outfits I made for myself & my friends.




If I am asked to describe myself, I would say I am a very quiet,loving,confident and passionate person. Making friends has never been my strong suit but I do enjoy being around people and getting to know them. I get excited when I meet people who are expressive, lively and not afraid to be themselves.
I am excited about what the future has in store for me as I continue to grow as a person and in my career.

My first post here yaaayyy💃🏾💃🏾 I am so thrilled to begin my journey here and I want to appreciate my good friend @aiydee for introducing me to this platform.

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