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A Guide for the new Hive Students of 2022 - What to post about?

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Good morning my fellow people on Hive and especially my current and future students on Hive. My name is Zak Ludick, I live in Cape Town South Africa and since the start of 2022, I have been actively onboarding and teaching the basics of Hive to a number of new users. Most of these I on-boarded myself, but these lessons are valid topics for anyone who posts online and it is a good idea to educate and contemplate!

The Frequent Question: What do you Blog about?

One of the things that I often get asked is: "What do you blog about?" If you are explaining Hive to someone else you need to be careful here: They are not just asking what YOU post on Hive. They want to know "But what does one post on this platform?" which is the same as asking "What do people post on Hive?", but often they ask in the first example and say the word "you".

Then the mistake could be, that you launch into an explanation about what you post about, what you do and what you find most interesting. This might not be completely bad. Maybe you share similar interests. Maybe they see your passion and interest and decide to check it out.

But the more accurate answer should be carefully put: "Oh you can blog about anything really. There are communities for different interests and you can find anything on there from fitness to cooking, to creative writing. I do insert your Hive interests"

Blogging Strategy and Blogging Longevity

It is a good idea to approach the subject of Blogging with a little bit of consideration. You do need to plan your blogging a bit. Understand where it is that you need to post. See my previous Guide: A Guide for the new Hive Students of 2022 - Hashtag equals Love.

Generally, Hive already has plenty of common interests that most people will find a place for their general archetype of interest. It is very possible that you have yet another interest that is not listed on Hive yet and you can eventually create a community of your own.

Communities such as OCD, Ecency, ProofofBrain and GEMS are good places to put interests that are creative and well presented, but do not yet have a dedicated channel.

EXAMPLE: A blog post, or several blogs about RC Cars.

Your hobby is RC Cars and there is no Community with thousands of members to post in. You need to use one of the above communities to carry your post to move people. You will probably make some friends who also do RC Cars and eventually, you can create a community group, should you muster enough of them.

However, if RC Cars IS your passion, obsession, hobby and interest then it will be easy for you to blog about it!

Being able to remain constant and interested in what you do will bring you more success than just trying to impress people with things that you do not enjoy. Of course, if you manage to find a spot where you do BOTH, then you are golden!

Variety - The spice of life!

Usually, most human beings have more than ONE interest.

We have things we do when we want to relax, we have things we want to do that bring us joy or things we do with specific friends and/or family.

Invariably, you will have more than one thing to post about!

It is important to know that consistency should mean that you should stick to one, two or three themes more often than not and attract to you like minded people. This does not mean that once a week or month you can't make a post about something completely different!

Just make sure that you post into the right community and use the correct tags.

Above all, never be afraid to post.

I will cover this in the next Guide!

Happy Hiving!
