After I introduced myself and it was my first post with all the shortcomings because I as a beginner immediately got suggestions from the comments to be able to share about me with a little more length and detail by @fionasfavorites I replied directly to the comments with a lot of gratitude for the advice and here my update content @lovesniper.


My name is Yaumil Ahya, I come from Aceh, Indonesia, I have 3 siblings. I was born on November 13, 2001 and on November 13, 2021, I am already 20 years old and currently I am pursuing higher education at one of the institutes majoring in PAI (educational education). Islam) at IAI AL - AZIZIYAH SAMALANGA before I took higher education at the university, of course I also took basic education from lower secondary school to Madrasah aliyah, namely studying at elementary school MIN 3 ACEH NORTH and after that I studied at junior high school NEGERI 2 DEWANTARA after I finished studying there then I continued my high school education and I chose to stay there, namely at one of the integrated Islamic boarding schools in Syamsudhuha and after graduating from there I also chose a high university and also stayed there as a student at one of the dayahs in Samalanga to be precise at the Dayah Ihdal Ulum Al - A ziziyah samalanga

Right in the third semester of college I was proposed by my boyfriend and in the fourth semester we decided to hold our wedding and now I have stopped studying because I am very far from my family and my husband also works around here, so I decided to go to college and start focus on taking care of my little family, on May 17, 2021, I got married and on June 16, 2021, thank God, I was positively pregnant, unfortunately, but that happiness didn't last long, exactly on August 29, 2021, I had a miscarriage and had to have a curettage.

Nama saya yaumil ahya saya berasal dari aceh , indonesia saya mempunyai 3 bersaudara saya lahir pada tanggal 13 november 2001 dan tepat pada 13 november 2021 umur saya sudah genap 20 tahun dan saat ini saya sedang menempuh pendidikan tinggi di salah satu institut dengan jurusan PAI( pendidikan agama islam) di IAI AL - AZIZIYAH SAMALANGA sebelum saya menempuh pendidikan tinggi di universitas tinggi tersebut tentunya saya juga menempuh pendidikan dasar dari sekolah menegah bawah hingga ke madrasah aliyah yaitu menempuh pendidikan di sekolah dasar MIN 3 ACEH UTARA dan setelah itu menempuh pendidikan di sekolah SMP NEGERI 2 DEWANTARA setelah selesai menempuh pendidikan disana kemudian saya melanjutkan lagi pendidikan menegah atas dan saya memilih untuk mondok disana yaitu di salah satu pasantren terpadu syamsudhuha dan setelah lulus dari sana saya juga memilih universitas tinggi dan juga mondok disana sebagai mahasantri di salah satu dayah di samalanga tepat nya di dayah ihdal ulum al - aziziyah samalanga

Tepat di semester tiga kuliah saya dilamar oleh kekasih saya dan tepat nya di semester empat kami memutuskan untuk melansungkan acara pernikahan kami dan saat ini saya sudah berhenti berkuliah dikarenakan sangat jauh dari keluarga lagipula suami saya pun bekerja di sekitaran sini , jadi saya memutuskan kuliah dan mulai fokus mengurus keluarga kecil saya tepat nya di tanggal 17 mei 2021 saya menikah dan di bulan 16 juni 2021 alhamdulillah saya positif hamil sayangnya namun kebahagian itu tak bertahan lama tepatnya di 29 agustus 2021 saya mengalami keguguran dan harus melakukan kuret

Thanks to @fionasfavorites @lovesniper @ocd @ocdb @neoxian @appreciator @blocktrades @ecency and others



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