My Design For Hive Business Card Contest

Greeting everyone. This is my entry to the contest organized @acidyo where we have to design a business card for the Hive Philippines community.

This has given me the chance to test my design skills although I’m quite new to the whole design thing.🙂

I used Canva to make my design. This is the final look of my design.

the front page

the back page

Let’s get into how I made my design.

I was looking to make a design with a simple look while incorporating white, red and black colors where none of the 3 colors looks too much.

I started out with a white background.

With the shapes tabs, I selected rectangle and made 3 rectangles. Two small ones opposite to each other and a bigger one in between them.

I decided to paint the two small rectangles black and the bigger rectangle red.

I then went for a round shape where I’ll put the picture of hive. I inserted the hive picture and this is how it looks now.

I then wrote “hive blog” at the top right side of my design.

Under hive blog, I wrote “decentralized, fast and secure” just to inform people about the security and what hive can offer.

With[], I made a QR code for hive blog where one can directly sign up for hive.

This is how my front page of the hive business card looks.

Now to the back of the card.

Again, I started with the white background and made rectangles at the top left and bottom right corners.

I added the qr code to the hive Philippines community and wrote under it join HP

Here you have it. This is how I made my business card for this contest.

Thank you.

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