What we can learn from the #Coronavirus & how we can use it to our advantage



I’ve been musing about this pandemic and how we respond to it offers us a ‘teachable’ moment... a mysterious opportunity gifted us in the form of a crisis.

I mean, short of a world war, when was the last time we we recognized, truly, that we’re all in this together (since global warming seems too abstract for most).

Yet, Covid-19 and the global lockdown offers us the time and space, as world citizens, to slow down, turn inwards and meditate upon the fact that others lives, literally, depend on us and vice versa.

This is a mighty, humbling and potentially transformative, moment if we can make the most of it. Perhaps, it might engender a newfound tenderness towards the vulnerability of all human life and its unpredictability...

By association, I think of Pascal’s moving, little prayer:

“Teach us the proper use of sickness.”

Below, is an inspiring response to our current predicament and how this coronapocalyse can lead to the birth of a new world and consciousness:


Art by Dali

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