I’m honored to be Nominated for a Pushcart Prize 🏆



Good News 🤗

Ever grateful that a selection of my short meditations (aka aphorisms), “Notes on Cynicism & Faith” were nominated for a Pushcart Prize by
Tiferet Journal

Tiferet publishes high-quality poetry, prose and art that further meaningful dialogue about what it is to be humane and conscious in today's often divisive world. ✨❤️💫

Bless the editor, Donna Baier Stein, for the noble work she does to promote Peace 🙏🏼🕊


Sacred signs everywhere, yourself among them.

The master of darkness is a student of the Light.

Recognize the warped virtues wrapped within your vices.

Silence and Time are wiser than us.

Just as some lust for material wealth, there is also spiritual greed for gnosis.

I cannot have what I want: a curse, a blessing.

Being frightened by your shadow and making peace with it are not mutually exclusive.

Free speech is not an absolute good, nor is censorship an absolute evil.


We are moral beings and words lead to actions.

The best type of censorship is self-censorship — aka morality.

Spiritually-speaking, a sense of independence is a form of arrogance.

How we address our pain can help us prolong or overcome it.

True solitude is not lonely, it is companionable.

To better see, as darkness falls, move closer towards the Light.

If you enjoyed reading these brief reflections, please, consider joining me this evening for the zoom event, below:


Here's a sneak peak of what I will be reading from my new book, Learning to Pray

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