Advice for Writers: Promote your Books on Podcasts


These days, it's not enough to write a book. Promotion is how books stand out in the crowded market and authors are expected to play active roles in this process. Even if you have a literary agent (which I, finally, do) writers cannot simply sit back and let their books find their way in the world.

Getting the word out on social media is critical and book readings (in the age of Corona) have also moved online. In addition to Zoom book launches and literary festivals which I've participated in a fair amount, lately, podcasts are a big help.

By way of example, the picture above is how I prepared for one talk --getting ready for a podcast with Danny Anderson of Sectarian Review covering:

“community, spirituality and religion, personal growth, development, and aging, social media, and alienation.”

If this sort of thing interests you, here's an example of a video interview I had on wisdom and poetry in the era of twitter, with The Intellectual Diversity Podcast:

I hope you enjoy these wide-ranging conversations. 🙏

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