My Introduction to the Hive

Hello, lovely Hive community! I’m from VietNam, and Sen is my name.
To be here, I would like to express my gratitude to @dodovietnam for fervently supporting me to get to Hive and my friend @lanngoc, thanks to her that I got to know the Hive, which was great. Through this post, I hope everyone will know a little bit about me and I am looking forward to getting along with everyone in this lovely Hive community.


About me
I was born in Gia Lai province, a highland region of Vietnam. The climate here is cool all year round, and the air is fresh. That's why I always want to come back to this place. Not only because it's where I was born, but also because it's where my loved ones are.


I am a freelancer, Before beginning to work as a freelancer, I worked a full-time position, therefore I truly value my present freelance lifestyle. Thanks to it, I have plenty of time for myself and my loved ones. I now have time to do the things I enjoy and go to places I've always wanted to explore that it was difficult to do while working a full-time job.


Being a freelancer has made me feel like this life is exciting, I have more time to study new things, pursue more goals, and live a more meaningful life. Life also gets simpler.


The things that I love
1. Trees
I love the green of trees, and the color of blossoms, every time to see them. It makes me feel better: it relieves the stress, feels fresh, and takes me to calm down... to count the benefits that It brought to me is countless.




Among them, I especially like roses and succulent plants. Those are the two most common plants I have in my garden.


2. Coffee
I'm a coffee person. A cup of coffee is how I always begin the day. fortunately, I was born and grew up in one of Vietnam's coffee capital, It’s Gia Lai province. So through my blog, I promise I will introduce this coffee land and interesting things about coffee to you.



3. Read


Books are a vital component of my life. When I'm pleased, sad, or depressed, I read. When I want to learn something new, I also read. In short, books are everything to me.

4. Cooking


I don't frequently cook. But I love to cook for my family. My parents are of Hue descent. As a result, I've also been somewhat impacted by Hue people's cooking. For those who are unaware of Hue: Hue is one of Vietnam's cuisine capitals, much as Gia Lai province is one of the country's coffee capitals. I also will bring you some traditional foods from my country, particularly from Hue and Gia Lai, If you're interested in Vietnamese cuisine.



The Hive Community is a fantastic place. I am an introvert, as I mentioned, therefore this is a perfect place for me to share my daily life and I'm eager to make acquaintances all over the world.


So let's get to know one another! I'm hoping to stay with you for a very long time!

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