My2020: Achieve happiness


Today I will not pretend to be able to give you some kind of "lifestyle", advice, or anything else to achieve happiness in life.
I am here to remind you that happiness cannot be achieved at all without us trying to achieve it. Rest assured!

"Happiness is not a goal ... it is a by-product of a life that is well lived." Personally I prefer this one, because it raises the question: What is "a good life?"

I think that every time someone is asked what they want from life, their answer, whatever it is, always means the same; everyone just wants to be happy. The answer they give is sometimes just that, "be happy," but most of the time we will answer with things that we think make us happy, like "getting rich" or "getting famous" or "being" important "and so on.
But, in the end these are all different answers that really mean the same.We keep trying to make happiness come true, so to speak, and that pursues a real goal.


It also cannot be found, given or taken; actually it is something that is not taken seriously or worried at all. This becomes difficult at these times when we are constantly bombarded with messages that say happiness is just an illusion; what I mean here is to never forget that advertising does not make us happy; they are directed to make us feel inadequate, boredom, and then offer the opportunity to fix it by buying the product offered. Speaking of that, what they really say is like: "Hey you, I love you, you're great. Or you will be, you will be more than great even, if you just don't smell so bad. Come here, let me hug you right after you buy my anti-odor-herb potion ... "The ad shows incredible madness in attracting people, to entice, and buy it


Chasing happiness for happiness, like going fishing only for fish; if you do, you will be miserable if you don't catch or don't catch the number you previously decided would represent "success." Stop fighting for the numbers and let the fishing day be your own reward. That way you can enjoy parts and silence, a temporary escape from your daily busyness, closeness to nature, the sounds of water easing and the excitement of anticipation, rather than getting frustrated every minute that passes without catching anything. When you get home at night, that feeling of satisfaction is a byproduct of a well-spent day, even if you don't eat fish that night by your bait today.

A life that is well spent, a meaningful life, that's where happiness happens. What it is, is precisely for you to decide for yourself, but connecting with others and with nature is part of it; we have evolved as creatures who find satisfaction in making each other's lives better, and who need to be recognized, need to be seen and accepted as we are by our colleagues. That's why happiness often happens to other people, it's very rarely a personal problem because we share it with friends, family, and loved ones that we care about.

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Lhokseumawe, Feb/9/2020

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