To power up 10k HIVE or not?

Yo to hodlers and children :)

I have a big question mark over my head that I am trying to answer lately.

I bought 5k Hive a few days ago and I also have 5k liquid. My initial plan was to trade a bit with it, and learn how to do it better and better.

I already accepted that I will have some losses while learning but in long term, it will be better for me and also for Hive.

I also wanted to buy a bit of BTC with it and hodl it.


But as I already said, it happened again...

I bought Hive with my BTC and finished yet another dream of hodling btc. But hey, I am more than satisfied to buy 5k Hive with it.

I simply cannot hodl anything else because sooner or later, I end up buying Hive. No help here xD

Anyway, back on the topic...

I am now again thinking what to do with my liquid Hive.

It would be very good to power it up as I will have a 2x bigger upvote and curation rewards. And this is the thing that excites me.

I was always about hodl and power up and I still want to be like that. But on the other hand, I also want to learn trading even if I am to pay a small price.

Also, I am creating a new project that will hopefully incentivize hodling and I will need HP to delegate to that project. Even tho' the project is still not finished and in testing phase, this is not a big concern but I still need to address it.

One more thing is that I've read a post by some guy thereadwolf where he is suggesting to change our blockchain. It would be good to hear more about thatso that we mortals have a bigger picture about our blockchain where some of us wants to invest their money.

Pros, cons, pros, cons,....

The question still remains. Should I power up 10k Hive or should I still wait?

What do you think? Got an, insight about the future plans of Hive? About the markets? About life? :)

Peace yo,

Mr. Spacely

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