Am I Wrong? Probably.

I am going to preface this by saying that I am often wrong, or offside, in my actions and thought processes. I'm not normal and I recognize that. This is just to explain why I do/did something and to gauge what the general concensus is regarding that.

The situation

A while back, a fellow came into the OCD discord and was quickly labelled "sketchy". Probably because he was.

I don't think he wanted to be sketchy, but whoever got him into Hive had given him some bad info. I sent him a dm and explained a bunch of things he should not do and told him that his original DIY content could be a benefit to me and a lot of others. I followed him and kind of coached him a bit.

I saw people recommending things to him about what they would like to see but I could tell he was watching the money and trying to get into communities he knew nothing about, probably because the rewards were high.

He then started reblogging things I wasn't interested in and not providing anything new for me to learn from so I quit following.

Man, Thinking, Doubt, Question, Mark, Idea, Problem

That was when the Discord message came in, asking how my family was doing and claiming to all of a sudden give a shit about me and my life.

It's not my first rodeo.

Now, I should mention that in the entire time of me trying to help, he did not follow me or ever interact with one of my posts. That's fine. I didn't really care because if you aren't into my content, it's cool. I am not into 99% of the content on here and I imagine you aren't either.

My point is that there had never been any interest in my family or even what I do on Hive until I unfollowed.

I am generally a blunt person so when asked, I explained everything bluntly. Basically, it was that he doesn't care about my family or me and he only cares that I unfollowed. I explained that the content was not what I was hoping for, also that there are thousands of people I don't follow and he should not take it personally. He was there to make money and I was there to do my thing.

I then explained what would have kept me following and wished him well.

Should I have sugarcoated it?

As someone who doesn't like things softened for me, I don't feel the need to try and make people feel like it was something other than what it was. I explained that it wasn't personal. We were never friends, I know nothing about him and he knows nothing about me. I think people mistake friendliness for friendship way too often on these platforms. It takes a long time to create a friendship online. There is no way to judge someone's true actions because we don't know what they aren't showing us. I'm not saying that friendships can't be formed, I'm just saying that it takes a while and a lot of work.

On both sides.

I think that's why I like @davedickeyyall. He seems like a good guy and he's not putting on a show. I imagine I would get along really well with him if we were neighbours.

The other option is that he is putting on a show and is a master at mind fucking. He could have a Silence of the Lambs basement full of crack whores for all I know.

Sorry, weed whores. He is too laid back to be a crackhead.

It doesn't mean he doesn't feed them crack though. Crack and plantains. There's no way he'd give that much weed away.

Glass, Crack, Broken, Broken Glass
Why doesn't Pixabay have real crack photos?

What I'm trying to say is that if I unfollow you, it's not you, it's both of us. I unfollow people and communities all the time on YouTube, Reddit, and here. I am not emotionally attached to any content yet and if I don't find value in what you post, who gives a shit? I'm a fucking weirdo that likes scrapping and gardening with a smattering of a bunch of other interests. I don't matter and what I think doesn't matter.

I'm curious to hear how others think about this subject.

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