
Hi everyone, I am Vonna, a nature lover who is always obsessed with mountaineering because there I feel that life is a real pleasure and I am also someone who is crazy about photography. I have started since I was 18 years old and now I am 23 years old that was about 5 years ago. I joined Hive after some friends (one of them is Nanda) told me about the platform. From there I started by finding out everything about Hive, even my friends always gave me support to get started. After I found out about this platform I found it very interesting to join and wanted to share my life activities. Actually, I joined earlier a few days ago, but I'm confused about how to start here, I don't know how to write it even at first I didn't know there should be an introduction here.

But after this morning I met my friend Nanda again, he explained everything about how Hive works, from writing the introduction to how the system will work here. I am very grateful to him for helping me so much that he can be here to start my first blog.

So let me introduce myself in more detail, my name is Miftahulhamzi, but I am often called Vonna (because I am the first child, Vonna is our local language which means first), I am a freelancer and have graduated from one of the universities in Indonesia. Indonesia. Of course I am an Indonesian who has Malay ancestry and now lives in Aceh, 23 years old and still single.

I have freelance work as a photographer also sometimes as a designer in Architecture. How can these 2 things become one? Because I am a graduate of Architecture and I am also an enthusiast in the world of photography. These two things have been my life for a long time, and while I sometimes also climb mountains, I like sports such as futsal or adrenaline by climbing mountains. But lately I've been busy with some projects in the studio so don't have time to exercise.

Back here again, at Hive I started here and hope that many people who will become my new friends here while sharing their experiences also become good friends in the virtual world. Honestly I am very gregarious, I have many friends in my life and they are also the ones who have brought me to Hive. Maybe that's enough for my introduction, if there is anything you want to know please leave a comment below, if you want to be friends with me, the follow button is above.

Take a look at some of the pictures I took using my smartphone:

Location Simeulue Island / Taken by Realme 5, ISO-101

Location Lamno, Aceh Jaya / Taken by Realme 5, ISO-215

Location Calang, Aceh Jaya / Taken by Realme 5, ISO-109

See you in my next post.
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