My Introduction Post | @vanessageorge


Hello, Hive Blog community, this is my first post and official introduction. Lately, I have been spending many hours in front of my computer creating content for my travel blog and this has made me gain some pounds and destroy my endurance. I have been looking for ways of motivating myself to do more exercise and browsing the web I found Actifit.

Is an interesting idea to be rewarded for your everyday activities. To signup I will have to pay 4.673 HIVE, and this let me to search about what Hive was. In this search, I found the Hive Blog and was really happy with the concept. I am already a content creator on other platforms so is something I enjoy doing and this one looks amazing.

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I was born in Bogota, Colombia but I am currently living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with my Brazilian husband and my two gorgeous pugs. I have a travel blog dedicated to the UAE and some amazing destinations nearby. This is what I do, I spend most of my days creating content for my blog.

This is the link to it, I hope you like it:
Destination UAE

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The rest of the time I am not working on my blog or writing for other platforms I spend it with my family. Relaxing, watching tv on the sofa, and drinking wine.

I have two wonderful dogs, Bao (shot for Xiao Long Bao) and Ton (short for Wonton). They keep me very busy, we go on long walks early in the morning and late in the evening time. They are social and kind, and love blueberries.

I guess I will be writing about them a lot on this blog, amongst other topics. My main areas of interest are traveling, photography, art, design, food, and lifestyle. I did find nice communities with these topics to join, can’t wait to start participating and engaging with other users.



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