A Major Milestone in My Web 3.0 Adoption is Complete

Inspiration is the fuel to overcome oppression

As I mentioined in episode 07 of Decentracast. I had working pretty hard on setting a central place for people to get my stuff. While writing away in a post on my "decentralized" blog at blog.unklebonehead.xyz it dawned on me. Thats not being decentralized if it's on a server in my home. Yeah, I'm not reliant on someone else to host my content. But its on something that I have to rely on being there 24/7. If it goes down nobldy can access it. Not even me. So I did some revamping and am backt to just the static html site that will be back on IPFS before the weekend is over.

But what about my podcast media files. How can I distribute them, leave Anchor (Spotify) and keep control of my RSS feeds?

I did some asking around and got some answers. I tried Castopod which is a self hosted podcast media app that is compatable with Podcast Namspace and the Fediverse. I tried it for a week and had major problems. I tried Funkwhale, which is another Fediverse app. That didnt work either. I am so anxiously awaiting to see what Aureal is going to accomplish But they seem to have hit a snag that they cant get around. But I am at a point where I literally cant and wont wait any longer.

I beleive that some things dont "just happen"

I admit. I was completely bummed and in a major, major funk wondering if I was ever going to be able to make the jump. Lets put this into perpective. I'm a dude. Just a truck driver whose had no computer skill training in my whole 51 yrs of life. I'm trying to learn about blockchains, cryptocurrency, RSS feeds, etc. I got into Hive over a year ago without "buying" my way in like most people. I've earned every Hive I have. I do not and will not spend fiat money to do this or anything. If I cant earn the cryptocurrency to pay for it with cryptocurrency then it isnt going to happen for me. Thats my end goal. To prove that the average person can make the transition to Web 3.0 and being decentralized without spending fiat money on anything.

Well, in that funk I was about to grab the Thinkpad and head upstairs to the sutdio to do some whining and crying into the microphone. But something told me to check discord first. So I flipped through all the servers and saw that @starkerz had posted the tweet about the Community Token Talk podcast on @theycallmedans channel. Now, I'm just like about 75% of the rest of Hiveians and am a big fan of dan's. Not so much because of the crypto stuff he talks about, because I just dont get that stuff. But because he "gets it" and never seems to have a problem with going off on a tangent about a topic that he has a stong belief on. And some how no matter how serious the topic was he always makes you feel better about it by the time hes done. He drives inspiration.

So I had to listen to it before I recorded the episode. And I'm glad I did. So I'm listening on my computer and messing with my phone. When it hit me that 3Speak has the RSS feeds enabled for the users. So I quickly pulled up my channel in the Anntenaepod app. It looked and acted just like a regular podcast. But it played the video file and my stuff is always audio. It's pretty rare that I do an actual video unless there is something I want to show. And the genral concensus is for podcasters to produce multiple files for each show.

But I'm looking back and forth from my phone to the computer playing dan and starkers podcast. I thought you know what? Fuck it! Fuck it all!

After a few test recording of a new OBS Studio profile

I had been doing some tests on different profiles on OBS Studio trying to strreamline some stuff for Loud & Proud and DecentraCast. Becasue the best way to produce content is to set up and leave it alone so you can concentrate on content.

I gotta say. Episode 07 took about 70-80 minutes from start of OBS Studio to being available for people to download on 3Speak. That just blew my mind! I was able to record the whole show without editing and go straight to upload and post process in roughly an hour.

I was feeling so good I just kept kicking ass!

I then went to Anchor.fm and did the 301 redirect of the DecentraCast feed to the 3Speak RSS feed. I've already got NTROradio set up and just need to remember to post the shows to that account, lol.
So now my 2/3 of my podcasts are on Web 3.0 and it feels damn good!

But what about the audio only lsteners? Oh I didnt forget about them. I will be posting links to the audio feeds on IPFS starting with the next episodes. Technically they are already on IPFS because of 3Speak but thats the video. These will be your typical mp3 files.

Syncthing to the rescue

I understand that some people may not like or wish to download from IPFS so I have also set up a Syncthing server that I will share the encrypted folder with whoever. This folder will be set to "send only" which means that only I can change the contents of the folder. Others can sync it to their device and it will automatically update on their device when I add a file to it. The user can then choose which files they want to keep on their device and can delete the ones they dont.

So thats the super quick update for the week. Saturday morning I will be recording a reaction video while I review some new artists for upcoming episodes of NTROradio.

Till then, be safe and never stick your finger where you wouldn't stick your face!

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