Introducing myself to the community and my high school story

I feel really excited to be part of this platform..

My name is Luinett , i was born and raised in Bolivar City which is located in Venezuela...I am from a family of six , the fourth child and the only female....

I am really excited to be with this hive community and I am looking forward to a better time here compared to other social media networks, I believe I will learn alot from here and I can also share my knowledge with other individuals who are in this amazing community..

I am the type of person that is Sweet , patient , I can be a very good friend , i am someone who is a companion of strong character and a honest person , I studied my secondary education at the Blaise Pascal school located in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela , where I completed my high school studies for five years...

Let me quickly share my little interesting experience at the high school

My time as a high school student

What are some things you didn't like in high school?
My high school was not the most pleasant time of my life since being a private school most of the students were from high social class and looked down on people who did not have the same amount of money as them. That made me feel less of a person and I usually had classmates around me showing off material goods that they could acquire and that I would have liked to have.

In addition to this, I was a victim of bullying for having a wide forehead, curly hair and for being a quiet and shy person, I was the target of many ridicules. I never complained because I was afraid that it could go worse. Therefore, how could I support the five years of studies and I could finish them in the best way.

moments at school

The worst experience was in my third year of high school when the chemistry teacher asked me to solve on the blackboard, a task that I could not do because I did not understand anything about the subject. Instead of helping me and teaching me, the teacher just said in front of all my classmates that I was an incapable person and that if I didn't learn chemistry I wouldn't be successful in life.

I was the object of ridicule and accusations from my colleagues. When I told what happened with that teacher at home, my parents didn't believe me because the teacher simply defended himself by saying that I was a failing student who liked to make up stories.

graduation day

The unforgettable experience in high school was lived on the day of my graduation when I received my bachelor's degree, it was an emotion that did not fit in my chest; I felt infinitely happy, first because I would have my first title in my hands, second because that title filled my parents with pride and third because I simply would not see my classmates anymore since each one would go to study a different career at the university....

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