My Introduction to hive

Hello everyone.

Y'all can't imagine how excited I am to be here today. I've always wanted to become a member of this wonderful hive community ever since I heard about it but my work and some other obstacles had prevented me from doing so. Well I finally made up my mind to be here and here I am.

About Myself


My name is Anaele Augusta Uchechi popularly known among my friends as Ucbest. I'm in my early twenties and a citizen of Nigeria. I hail from the igbo tribe. I'm also a student of the federal polytechnic of owerri Nigeria, studying Estate Management and Valuation.

My Blog Content

I will mainly be blogging about my day to day activities and some few things I think I know about life. Also every once in a while I will always entertain with some nice poetry and fictional stories. Also I might dive into some other things depending on whatever thing/information that crosses my head.

I honestly can't stress it enough how much it means for me to be here. I just hope Y'all welcome me and take me in as one of Y'all. I look forward to being friends with all of you.

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