Hello everyone👋🏿, I’m victory Aforkoghene from Delta state Nigeria. Was introduced to hive by @kilvnrex who happens to be my elder brother. I anticipate knowing new people, making new friends as well as learning from everyone. Growing up , I fancied people who knew how to do basic skills like; hair styling, make-up, baking, making clothes,shoes and bags with Ankara material, and even ear-rings ( I remember praticialising on this very one, it was a joint work tho, which my team came out second) I already imagined a future with making costumes with Ankara materials, and planned on achieving it after my WAEC and NECO exams.But in the end, the obvious became the story😄


I forgot to mention, due to my interest in aquiring skills,awarded me idea in each and every skills I earlier mentioned. I also remember imagining a future of buying a land to build on which would be able to contain majority of the skills offered in Nigeria and which would be of a comfort kind of service to individuals as well as teaching interested persons. And of course all skills would have there experts in them.But It so happened that life would forever prove its superiority over man, thereby doing its own will and expects you to take all it throws at you. With how I had my childhood, I could never have thought that I would experience certain hardship at this time of my life.


My journey in baking came unexpectedly to me. As a matter of fact, it was at the time I covered my first cake that I realized I was a baker. Like I said earlier, life unexpectedly gave myself and family a U- turn, this made me begin working earlier than I initially expected. I started working proper at age 17, this was during the covid And because of the lock down, things became far worse than normal and I begun with home lessons for children, precisely English and Mathematics for 2000 naira then, this gave me so many children, the sitting room at home became the classroom for the children I taught then, and I ended up having a total of 27 children. However, I couldn't continue with teaching for long, at a stage I fell sick and was admitted. Even after being discharged, I still ended up collapsing on one of the Sundays in my church and so one of the persons who attended to me at the time I collapsed, called my parents to take me on for check up , but our condition then didn't even permit us to eat properly how much more going back to the hospital.


To cut, I was later operated on ovarian cysts and appendicitis, it was a two in one operation. Getting back home, all the children I gathered over the months were all gone. I mean, another young girl like myself did the same job and even had extra hands. She approached the parents of the kids I taught and that lost most of my environmental children, left with just. I kept on teaching, with the new year approaching then, and that made me end the lessons as a form of holiday for my pupils. Towards the end of the year 2020, the house we lived in back then, was due for renewal. Unfortunately, we were given quick notice to exit the compound, this happened on the 3rd of January, believe me when i say this very experience is not what one should pray to befall on minor enemies😅 since this not the main focus, i would have to skip some certain parts to get to the peak of it.



My family and i were later offered helped by one of my pupils parents who took it upon herself to make sure we were given accommodation. And so we began parking, there i saw a pupil of mine note’s book, on my way to return it, i met a guy at the shop of my pupil parents. As usual the guy i met was trying to put up a conversation with me,.it was a short one, but i guessed that was all it took. Being naive and desperate to get a job, i agreed to exchange contact with him with the promise of finding me a.job, from one conversation lead to another and you sure know the rest. It was 8 month into the relationship when this guy finally agreed to take me to his god mom, who happens to be the baker. Oh no, I'm not stating the depth of what I went through, but like they say, everything happens for a reason. I met his god mom with the mind of getting guidance from her. Being in a world, in the midst of a society where people, especially young girls are being judged easily.


I couldn't even rely on my mom, knowing fully well that she would first scold me.for going into a relationship in the first place. I spoke to the woman and was able to build on a friendly relationship with her. Then, i was able to hustle my way into attending the ijmb program in Nigeria, was rounding at that time. luckily, her house wasn't far from my school. After school I would go over to her house to help her with anything I could. In the process of lending a helping hand, I began a journey with baking unknowingly and since then it's already been over 2 years.


Baking for me is far more than just a skill or a way to profit me. at a time, it was the only thing I benefited from being in a toxic relationship . Baking became a story, a strength, passion, a future and a means of survival for me😌❤ To add up, during my free time i enjoy the company of online books, Just as movies is a source of entertainment to many persons, that's how books especially fantasy novels are entertainment to me, and for all who read to the end would already discover that I'm an imaginary. I enjoy my own company of meditating, some find it strange but I hope you won't put me in that light too. I look forward to familiarizing with you all, thanks for reading until the end. I hope you find this entertaining.

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