Parenting: Baby Care Age 0-1 || Episodes 1-10, Part 01

You know that parenting is a social science. It is also related with psychology, science, technology, medical science and so on.

Time is being changed day by day. With time, everything is also changing. Due to the technological advancement and change in social structure, we are facing different new issues and problems. It is more than true in case of parenting care. So the parents need to change their techniques and strategies about their baby caring method.

That's why the parenting issues are being changed also. Few months ago I decided to do something about this issue. I planned to study about it and created a video series about parenting. Last 2 months I have put my effort and time on it.

And now it is a #parentingseries with 33 episodes in my dtube channel: tariqul.bibm.

From the early stage of starting this video series, I planned to segregate different stages of the life on different parts. So I am conducting 10 videos for each part and recently I have reached on the part-4.


The First part of this video series was about taking care of the babies aged below 1 year. Here I am discussing about that part with a proper sequence and collection of all links. It included the episodes from 1 to 10 of my parenting series.

1st episode: Do Plan, Before & After Marriage


Whenever we discuss about parenting, most of the times we started after the baby born or from the time table when the born. It's surprising that we ignore the timing before a baby born. But actually parenting techniques starts from the the planning stage before and after marriage.

Without proper planning there are many problems created letter so high never a person think about having a child for having a marriage should have some plane about having a child and others I have discussed it on this video in details. Parenting Series - 01

2nd episode: Take Care Your Womb Baby


There is a common misconception about taking care of the womb baby is that most of the people think it is related only with the Mother Care. Yes, I agree with you as mother care is very important, but it's a part. There are some other things.

People don't concern that the womb baby has some psychology. So we should do proper care for their physical and mental health. There are some guidelines about taking care for them: Parenting Series - 02

3rd episode: Welcome Your Baby Naturally


We are going to be more artificial day by day. But natural resources are always more suitable for us. So always try to welcome the baby in natural ways. It's not only about delivery, but also related with others after the delivery.

Sometime parents become tensed about the health issues of the newborn baby and be misguided due to lack in proper knowledge. Always try to have natural medicine and natural treatment. You may have discussion in details on the video: Parenting Series - 03

4th episode: Technological access to your baby


There are a dilemma about allowing babies technological access at this time. Most of the parents are confused about this issue. They don't confirm about either their children should be allowed access to the technologies and in what extent.

There are some positive and some negative impacts of different technologies like smartphone, laptop, television etc to the physical and mental health of the babies. You can not protect them from technological aggression, so you have to make a plan about permitting them this access. You may be helped by this video: Parenting Series - 04

5th episode: Feeding Process of your baby


There is no alternative of mother milk for the babies. But some babies may not get enough milk from his mother. So they need then some alternative foods. Alternative food should be discouraged and used after doctors suggestion.

Parents are also tensed about when should they provide their child alternative foods and which type of foods should be provided. After six months age of the baby, you may give him some liquid foods as cow milk, readymade foods etc. but in some limited extent. They should be adapted with different types of foods step by step. This video is about this issues: Parenting Series - 05

6th episode: Sunlight & Air Circulation for baby


Sunlight is very necessary and helpful thing not only for the babies but also for all. So babies should keep in touch with sunshine everyday. Experts suggest that baby should be treated with sunshine half hour per day. And the sunshine should be not so hot.
Proper time to let them put on sunshine is morning before 10AM and afternoon after 4PM.

Many parents have not enough idea about the process of treatment children with sunlight. I have discussed this issue in details on this video: Parenting Series - 06

7th episode: Introduce baby at this planet


Babies should be introduced at the world in proper way. Some parents don't know that they should talk with their babies either they can understand or not?

The matter is not about understanding language, it's about communication matter. Parents should speak, sing and play with their babies build their communication skill from early stages.

I have discuss on this video about the process of introducing babies with the new environment that they experiences after delivery by using this communication techniques: Parenting Series - 07

8th episode: When & How Start Learning Process

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There are a lot of wrong conceptions about starting the learning process of the baby. Some parents think that learning procedure starts from going to school. Some others think that it starts from when they start to speak. But it is not true.

Actually the learning process starts after their birth, even when they can't speak and understand languages. It is very important for the mental growth of the babies to take care them from their early ages with due learning process of different things.

I discussed on this video about this learning process- how you will start and when- with some examples: Parenting Series - 08

9th episode: Give a suitable name to your baby


Name is very important thing for every human being as people are treated as the whole life by their name. This is the word a person hear maximum time over his whole life. So it is very important to give a suitable and nice name to the babies.

A suitable name is sweet to hear, easy to uttar and pleasure to write. It has both official and unofficial value. Suitability of the name is related with area, time, culture and many other things.

If the baby own a bizzare name, it may create many negative impact on the mental health of the baby. So it is a duty and responsibility of the parents to give a sweet, suitable and smart name to their babies. Here you will find some instruction and discussion about this issue: Parenting Series - 09

10th episode: 05 major indicators to be noticed


Babies who are aged below one year, faces different problems but they cant speak about their problems to their parents. So you have to notice some indicators that will give you idea about their feelings and problems. It was the 10th episode where I discussed about the factors that should be considered and noticed carefully by every parents.

05 major considerations that I discussed on this video are as follows:

  • Feeding
  • Crying
  • Evocation
  • Sleeping
  • Response

You may watch this video to know details about this issues: Parenting Series - 10


About Me:


My Footsteps on Virtual World:

"I am an engineer by graduation
a teacher by occupation
& a writer by passion"

        I believe, Life is beautiful!

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