Thoughts on stress and opportunity

In times of crisis, we see the real personality of a person shine through.

How do you respond to stress?

Stress is something that we generally think very little about until we are in the situation as while not under stress, we believe we are good at handling it. When there is a general level crisis, whether that be a health pandemic, a financial collapse or a blockchain under attack - we can see just how fractured positions can be.

Are the conditions a disaster or opportunity?

This is going to depend on resources, and one of the best resources we have at our disposal is our mind and our attitude toward circumstances. A state of fear doesn't do anything for the ability to think, yet as many don't prepare their psychology for managing stress adequately, fear can take hold with very little resistance.

Are you scared?

Are you worried about a virus affecting you or your family, the value of your holdings, retirement fund or home collapsing, or the future of the Steem blockchain that you feel you have invested into and worked to build? A combination of the three? I think it is possible to stay calm despite our universe imploding, but it requires being able to accept things as they are and behave accordingly.

Rather than trying to take it all in, separate the world into three positions.

  • What I can control
  • What I can influence
  • What I cannot control

It is quite obvious that since there is very little one can do with the third point, that should get the least energy. Yet,, we have built a world where it tends to get the most of our energy and thought, one where we are platformed to solve the ills of the world even though we have many ills of our own with which we are yet to contend.

For me, the first point to focus on is what I can control and once I have that within my grasp, I am able to move onto what I can influence. When it comes to the ability to influence the environment, it is best to first have control over oneself, otherwise the potential for damage and harm through unintended consequences increase.

Actually, the first point I focus on is internal control before I look at the external. I do something to clear my head, process my thoughts and emotions and make a space for clear thought to shine a light and potentially discover my next steps. Panic and fear will only muddy the waters.


  • What is within your ability to control right now?
    -- your mind/ body
    -- your behavior
    -- your words
    -- your actions
    -- your reactions
    -- your emotions
    -- your outlook on the world

There is a lot of your in there, a lot of ownership and responsibility.

  • What can you influence?

Well, once you are in control of yourself, your thoughts have more clarity and are more likely to make better decisions, your behavior, words, actions and reactions affect those around you, as does your emotional control. And, once your outlook has shifted, rather than seeing the threat of the world, opportunities start to present themselves.

While there is a great deal that is outside of our control today, once we start taking responsibility for ourselves, we become more influential over conditions and in time, that will bring more of what is outside our control, within the boundaries of our influence. Of course, the more we have control and influence over, the more responsibility we have to be willing to accept.

You don't have to like the conditions to work with them.

[ a Steem original ]


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