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Practicing for on the go with @dapplr

This is a quick post to see what @dapplr brings to the table and while it is just our of alpha and opening up for a wider testing market, it so far seems nice and smooth with a clear and bold design. I like that there is the potential to save a draft and return to it later too.

Because of the editor, this feels more like a mobile app that encourages more than dropping a photo with a random bit of text, like Appics did. I am yet to see how this actually formats, but I am hoping that this will be a decent option for thise who are on mobile occasionally or are casual users of Hive who just one to post for fun on the run.

I am personally far more comfortable at a keyboard, but I am also a dinosaur in many respects and accept that the world is changing. Getting comfortable on a phone isn't likely in my cards as i fund that I do not comment as well when on a touch keyboard and small screen, which i think I put down to my patience and the fact I like to cut and paste quotes so that those I am answering have a clear idea of what I am referencing without having to reread their's or someone else's comment above.

Good mobile apps are of course very important in regards to any social media platform as most people these days are scrolling and posting straight from their phone. Those who use desktops are often the people who have reason to, for example photogs or writers such as myself, where handling large volumes of textis awkward on a small screen, as is reviewing it.

I was in a discussion with someone today about posting frequency and why some people are negative on listing too much, including myself. The reason is that most people cannot offer much of consumption value multiple times a day and consumers do not want to interact with it. While I think that people should indeed post what they want, they have to also consider their audience.

What i find interesting is that most people do infact support what they want to see more of on Hive, but when it comes to what they themselves offer the community, they hold a different standard. There is nothing wrong with this, until there is also an expectation of getting a reward attached to what is produced. It is kind of like me willing to pay to hear Adele sing in concert, and expecting others pay to hear me sing.

Trust me - me singing isn't a concert you want to attend.

So far so good on this editor and it doesn't feel clunky like some of them do. The @dapplr team has done a very good job so far and I hope that they will get some more community support so they can keep developing. Remember that the goal isn't to have a good mobile app, it is to have many good mobile apps that are able to cater for different user needs in the same way that we need an expanding lost of apps on general.

When it comes to frontends, it can be difficult to differentiate so I think there has to also be a sense of purpose behind the app, a reason to use one of the other.

Okay, I will leave it here and hopefully people will add into the comments their thoughts on the app if they have used it so far. Here is a link to the post for the download if you want to give it a whirl.

Good work @dapplr team and it was an easy entry experience. It is great to see new apps entering into the Hive ecosystem, from the Hive community.

[ Gen1: Hive ]