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About Family and Birthdays <3

On a day like today, but two years ago, a piece of person that filled my life with cheer, stress, happiness, worries, and mostly, love.


Since Chela was born, I helped my sister by taking care of the baby, sleeping with her so she could get some sleep, changing her diapers and much more. It was a real responsibility and it took a toll on me, because I was tired all the time for not getting much sleep but overall, I don't regret a single second of the time spent with Chela; I watched her grow up day by day and I bonded very much with her.

From what I've heard from my friends and acquaintances, it is very hard for siblings to really get along and have a friendship besides their normal family relationship. Brothers and sisters constantly fight and some times they stop talking to each other because of meaningless arguments that evolve into grudges. From my point of view, these fight reasons are meaningless but, it all depends on the precedents and their life story and those reasons might carry a lot of significance.

For this reason, I thank life and my parents for having such a great relationship with my sister, we are very close and fully trust each other, we can talk about everything, discuss our existential issues and it all bonds us even closer, making our relationship virtually indestructible as years go by.

Of course, like all sisters we fight about stupid things and we can get mad, but after 5 minutes we are already back at being us. The way I see it, when I fight with people I love and stay angry, I'm missing out on beautiful moments of my life, moments I could be spending with them in good terms.

This Saturday, we are all going to my sister's house to celebrate Chela's birthday. It will be a small gathering because you know, Covid and such, but I'm sure it will be a good time. I bought Chela a princess castle the same size of her, so I'm sure she will love it.

Every time Chela goes to my office (I'm a psychoanalist and see patients all the time), she spends a long time playing with the toys I have for my child patients, and she enjoys interacting with the doll houses I have. She always gets excited and asks me to play with her and the dolls. The good thing about this gift is that I had to assemble it and stick the images to it, so I kind of feel like this gift is more personalized and I had something to do with it, not just buy it for her.

The more Chela grows, the more amusing, pleasant and nice she becomes. It's incredible to watch her grow and to notice how much she learns by looking and imitating us. Right now I just hung up with my sister; I called her to say Happy Birthday to Chela and I spent half an hour talking to them. I can't wait for this Saturday so I can hug and kiss Chela.