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closing of the 17th village level musabakah event in the month of Ramadan

Good evening, friends This evening is the last night of the 17th village level disaster event. The village level Musabakah has been organized by the committee as well as all of our village people with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm from the residents in organizing the event. Various competitions were presented in the village level musabakah tilawatil qur'an organized by the local committee. The following are the types of competitions listed in this event including:

  1. Are you tilawatil qur'an level sd
  2. Are you at the level of junior high school tilawatil qur'an
  3. Are you at the level of junior high school tilawatil qur'an
  4. Are you adult level tilawatil qur'an
  5. Azan competition for elementary school level
  6. reading competitions for elementary, junior high school, high school, and adult level
    7.Combat bathing practice competition
  7. Quiz competition for elementary, junior high school, high school, and adult level

This year is different from the previous year because of the many competitions included in this event. And even more special this year, the competition was attended by people over 30 years of age, it can be said that those who participated in the competition this time were already married or already had children.
The enthusiasm of local residents in enlivening the event of the year disaster event was very excited, it was seen that many residents were present even though this was the last night, aka the closing.

The village level disaster event is finished, which is held every month of Ramadan and hopefully the following year will continue in a safe and prosperous manner.
Thank you and that's all from me @steemforez