I am alive challenge day #6: May 26, 2022

Hola amigos! I'm honoured and blessed to be alive and well today. No matter what you're going through, be glad to be alive for when there's life, there's hope.
Why worry about the things you have no power over? Relax and smile, just as my learners and I did today.


I wouldn't describe today as wonderful, but it certainly was a great day. Started out ok. Though I slept early last night, I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept a wink!


The school compound has been bushy since last week, weeding was done in the first week of school. This month is characterized by rain. And there's been a lot of it! This makes the grass grow faster.


I changed my style of teaching today. Though I engage the basic 1 learners in my lessons, they can't take part in the written assessment. Today I taught the basic 2 learners separately, though they are all in the same room. I kept them busy though.
I'm thinking of separating them into their individual classrooms.
Your suggestions are welcome.


I'd love your suggestions on how to deliver the lesson in the picture above.
Today ended well with me having rice with stew for supper.

Stay safe guys and remember to keep smiling, cause you're blessed.

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