Chestnuts hunting


Halloween is coming and that same day we celebrate chestnut day in Spain as it is considered the fruit start of the season.
There's a chestnut forest about 1hr away from our house and we like getting there every year to pick up some wild ones. If you are lucky as we were yesterday you can pick them from the ground as they keep falling from the hundreds of trees in the area. Sometimes you need to get them out of their shell and you have to be careful as it has many needles and you can easily get hurt.
The area is quite humid and if you are patient you can also find some edible mushrooms, but yesterday we were only interested in the chestnuts


After about 30 minute walk we ended up with a bag with 3kg of them!


So today we will have some baking them in the oven and drinking Moscatel, a sweet wine similar to Cherry.


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