Breakfast in Salinda Resort, Phu Quoc, Vietnam


This is the view from the breakfast restaurant. They had indoor and outside seats but we always choose to sit outside to see this beautiful view :)


Starting a morning with sparkling wine 🍾 Isn't this the beauty of a holiday? 😆


People can choose any eggs dish and coffee from their table which I thought it is very convenient for us and also very thoughtful. Because I don't want to line up for the egg station every morning 😝My favorite was poached eggs and their plating even looks fancy!!


I love breakfast at a hotel because I can taste every bite of food 😋 I love eating vegetables in the morning.


They also had a noodle station which you could order from your seat as well. They change the noodle dish every day and this was just regular beef Pho. I feel like I'm becoming like Vietnamese people because I love eating Pho for breakfast ;) It gives me energy and it's so easy to eat, not too heavy, affordable pice... so many benefits!!


This was a spicy noodle I don't know what it's called though.


Awww my favorite noodles in Salinda!!! I still don't know what it's called but this was the BEST noodle I've ever had in Vietnam!!!! I could have this every single day if it was possible 😭


Having waffles for breakfast only happens when I'm on a vacation lol.


So as chocolate donuts... I guess I need to work out hard when I go back home... but they're so good!!!

I use to think breakfast quality is not important for choosing hotels, but after experiencing hotels has bad food changed my opinion... haha. I always check their restaurant's quality when I choose a hotel now.

And Salinda's breakfast restaurant was 5/5!!! Who else thinks breakfast quality is important when you staying at a hotel?

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