İntroducemyself @rahulwani

Hello Hive Friends,

my name is rahulwani shardha,
I am 54 years old, I am from Venezuela, I am a working woman even at my age, I work for a public entity in my country called IPASME is An Institute of social and medical assistance for public and private educators in Venezuela, there my job is Secretary for the finance department. I have 11 years of service in this institution.

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"I live in the city of Caracas, I have 4 daughters and 5 grandchildren, I share my house with my youngest daughter and my granddaughter, in my spare time I like to immerse myself in the internet and soak up everything that is current news from my country and everything the world, I also love cooking for my family and my grandchildren, I try to share all the moments I can with them, I like music, especially salsa."

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