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Tulsi plant and it's spiritual beliefs

Hello everyone, it's punkblogs here. Do you guys know about Basil plant ( is called tulsi in India) and it's relation with Indians? At first let me tell you what basil plant is .

So Basil plant is basically a type of herb, which Is mostly found in India and may be in central Asia to some extent. talking about India, You'll see a basil plant in almost every indian household. As we know that worshiping of trees in not uncommon in Indian culture, basil plant is considered as a holiest and sacred tree for Hindus. It is also mentioned in Vedas, oldest book of Hinduism and infact oldest book of the world. It is also believed as an incarnation of goddess Laxmi according to some Hindu texts.

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We also have a basil plant in front of our house. My mother worships and waters the plant everyday. It is said that those who takes care and waters the plant everyday will attain salvation. It's what my mother used to tell me when I was a kid. You can get more information about its root with Hinduism Here

Even in some parts of India , Tulsi Vivah i,e marriage of tulsi plant is performed as festival. This festival is celebrated mostly in Q4 Of the year. Last year we did celebrate the festival but couldn't show you guys. This time if time allows I'll surely show you how tulsi marriage is performed.

Apart from spiritual beliefs, tulsi plant is also used in medicinal purposes. Tulsi leaves serves as medicine if you're suffering from dry cough and stomach ache. Well I don't know if it's written in medical books or not, but it always works for me and to my family as well.

No wonder Hinduism is the oldest religion of the world and roots with nature and natural medicine. There are many mentions of various plants and trees which you will find in Ayurveda.

What are your thoughts about this post and if you know anything about basil plant ( tulsi) apart from what's stated above please let me know in the comment section below. Thank you.


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