Is Hive worth the step I took?

After I made my introductory post two months ago, engaging on the platform became very difficult for me not because of work or time. My phone wasn't working for Hive, it keeps giving me the error message you will see in the image below.

My former phone

The error message

I wasn't happy about it, I was using my friend's phone to post since my fiance said we can't use the same IP address. My friend wasn't around for quite some time and it made me disappear completely from the platform.

I see a lot of things I love to engage with on the platform but it was impossible and I asked my fiance if Hive is worth getting a new phone for. His response was short and simple, he said "Hive is a home and if you are sincere with your engagement, you will love to be there always".

Those words meant a lot, and I trust him because he doesn't lie and won't mislead me. He introduced all the platforms I have been on to me so if he is speaking for Hive then he has a reason for that.

He keeps saying awesome things about the platform which inspired me a lot so I decided to save some money from work and also took my earnings from other platforms to begin my journey probably on Hive.

I eventually got a new phone yesterday with Hive being the biggest reason for it.

My new device

I have other things I could do with the phone and the difference between my old one which I haven't sold off and the new one is the ability to engage on Hive.

I have been on various platforms and I enjoy blogging a lot, meeting people who can influence me positively is something I love and I believe there are lots of people I can interact with and learn from to improve myself in various ramifications.

The phone cost me quite a lot of money but it is worth it.

I hope to join lots of communities and engage with people from different parts of the world and I believe my time here wouldn't just benefit me. I have a lot to offer as well which includes beauty tips and many others.

Growth doesn't come easy on any platform but I am ready to take on the world with Hive. Thanks for the support always @george-dee

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