This, That, and The Other Thing

Yeah, okay, I’m a bit of a slug. Oh, I do a fair amount of walking. Ding around with dumbbells here and there. Yard work and gardening are decent cardio. But I’m a couch potato compared to my son. He texted me yesterday mentioning that he’d done 1,336 burpees over the course of 3.5 hours. If I did one, I might hurt myself. If I did five, the media would need to be alerted about the big news.


We had our first thunderstorm of the year last night. Just a fair amount of rain here, but a spectacular display of lightning, mostly to our northwest. Only a few nearby lightning strikes, we must have been on the edge of the storm. By next month, they’ll start testing the sirens for tornado warnings. Oddly, although I’ve now lived in Minnesota for 47 years since moving here for college, I’ve never seen a tornado. Funnel clouds and eerie dark green skies, but never a tornado. More than once I’ve seen the damage left in their wake, but not an active one. Meh, even Ted Fujita never saw one in person.


@markkujantunen’s April Fools’ post isn’t really that far-fetched. If the sovereign wealth funds of nation states are starting to buy Bitcoin (Singapore, for example) can central banks be far behind?


In four and a half years, assuming that I live that long (genetics suggests yes, life choices are a bit more iffy), I’ll turn 70 years old. And I firmly believe that, by then (October 2025), Bitcoin will have gone past $1,000,000. 2013, 2017, and 2021 will have established a pattern that no technical analyst will be able to ignore. FOMO will be massive since most investors will have eschewed the buying opportunities of the 2023 slump.

While I’m gazing into a crystal ball, a few more predictions:

Assuming that Witnesses don’t do something remarkably stupid (like the idiotic idea of no longer using HIVE tokens for posting rewards), Hive will have passed $23 by my 70th (yes, I Pulled That Number Out Of My Butt™).

In the geopolitical realm, China will attack Taiwan, but the Taiwanese will inflict heavy damages on the attackers, much like the Finns did against the Soviets in the early stages of The Winter War. America will of course dither, but surprising everyone South Korea will smash China’s left flank. Opportunistically, India and Vietnam will move into Tibet and Guangxi respectively. It won’t end well for China.


Badge thanks to @arcange

Photo credit: Pixabay (FelixMittermeier)

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