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What has foodie been up to?

Foodie did not feel like blogging!

I didn't know what to blog about. And I felt tired. In my head. Still do a little. I had a migraine yesterday evening, but I attacked it with lots of water and food, a painkiller, a magnesium pill and sleep. Seemed to do the trick this time, but I'm still tired because of it.

I did not feel like blogging these last few days. I felt like gaming. So I played New World. Surprise! I still don't know what I'm doing in New World, but somehow, I manage to spend hours in that game, being very busy! Gathering, crafting, being frustrated that I need refining materials, so then I go out and kill some mobs to get to their chests to get the stupid refining materials, so I can do more gathering and crafting.

And what's it all for? I don't know! I guess I need gold to pay for my two houses, which are awesome, because they let me teleport all over the map without my azoth being completely depleted. I guess I also want new and better armor and weapons now that I'm 60. Our trading posts don't hold a lot of high-end gear yet, so I figure I should try and make it myself, but that requires a lot of leveling for my crafting and that takes forever and lots and lots and lots of materials. And iron. Soooo muuuuuch iron.

So I guess that's what I've been doing ingame. Lots of gathering. All to distract me from the fact that darn, those enemy buildings and enemies all look a lot alike! Ah well, it doesn't bother me yet.

This game keeps me off the streets!

Except for yesterday. Yesterday I had to buy yoghurt for hubby.

Also, I have been designing! They are not very good, the designs I've been making this week. The above one is the best of the bunch. I have ideas and I try to work them out and then this! Well, I just upload them to my shop, because we all like different things, right? Better fill that place up for whoever might appreciate it. It's good either way to get some inspiration.

Maybe my designing is why I haven't felt like blogging lately. I need to get my creativity out, but once I do, I'm tired! So no inspiration left for blogging.

Oh well. I managed today!

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