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What else comes to the table

Good morning readers!

"Wat verder ter tafel komt" - A dutch saying, literally translated to "What else comes to the table". It has nothing to do with food! Google translates it to "Any other business" and it's basically the last part of a meeting where you can address anything that wasn't on the agenda/program/whatever.

Had to come up with some kind of title for this mess of a post...

Have you tried New World beta yet?

Well I have! It's been fun to jump back into this game and check out the changes they made since the... alpha I guess it was. Sad to see the self-healing of the hatchet is no longer there, but it has forced me to try out other weapons to see what I like best. Spear is cool so far!

I should write a post about this game. Share some ingame screenshots and such. Later though. Today's just a regular update about me! and one of the things I have been up to is this New World beta. Hubby and I created characters together and while hubby was at work, I created a new one for myself to work more on crafting and gathering.

Aside from spending time on the beta, I did a bit of garden work. Gathered the seeds from the arugula and spinach plants, cleared up a patch of ground and added some new seeds there. Who knows, maybe I'll get another batch before this season's over. Otherwise, I'll sow the arugula and spinach seeds in late autumn, like I did last year. It meant leafy greens in my garden in spring, so that was a good experience!

I also continued clearing out weeds and have now reached my tomato plants. Just a small patch of weeds to go and the garden will be a bit more presentable (who cares, right?). Then ofcourse rain in the weekend, so I can start over from scratch after that.

In other news: I had my second job interview on tuesday. It went well and they want to continue with me! So next week is the ehm... literal translation is "Working conditions talk"... Basically the talk about payment, starting date, work hours/days and in some cases (not mine) stuff like work car and such. This means that, unless we have very different opinions on my salary or working conditions, I pretty much got the job.

So yay! I'm happy to have found this new challenge. Bit annoyed it didn't come a little later though. I did tell them I wouldn't be able to start until mid september during our first interview, so I guess that's okay. It didn't come up during the second one, but yeah, it's one of those conditions we'll have to talk about next week. Gives me time to relax, get ready and have a fresh start!

This means I'm not going to give myself daily post challenges anymore. It was a fun way to get back into blogging, but it also takes a lot out of me and that's not okay anymore. Rest and relaxation (and gaming) is my goal now. Blogging once I have something to tell.

Do you know what a new job means though? New clothes!

My previous employer was of the religious kind with a very religious client base, so we women were basically forced to wear dresses or skirts (in today's day and age! I know, but it was a nice group of people, so weighing pro's and con's...). I was not really okay with that, but I don't think they were ready for a revolution, so it gave me a good reason to buy many pretty dresses (kicked those torturous pantyhoses to the curb though!). Now, I can wear pants again! I just don't have many good ones left... Need new pants. I wonder if shops sell good ones in the middle of summer...

Oh well, haven't gone shopping in ages and after this next shopping trip, I will probably not go shopping in ages again, because I hate to be around so many people. I don't like ordering things like pants and shoes online though, because they rarely fit well and I hate having to send stuff back. Can't imagine it to be very environmental-friendly either, so I'll just go shopping soon, get over the uncomfortableness and buy everything I need in one, quick visit. Which reminds me, I should really get my eyes checked and get new glasses aswell... I've been saying that since before the pandemic. Oops!

Right, I think I've cleared that table of randomness now. Hope you're all doing well!

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