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It's almost time

Good morning readers.

It is the last weekend before I start my new job! I am looking forward to it, but am also a little worried about how I will deal with it. Mainly, how my head will deal with it.

It's three days a week. For me, that's sadly the maximum I feel I'm able to work with my migraines always looming. I hope they'll stay away at the start, so I can have a good beginning. I hope I can do the morning and afternoon walks that I'm used to from my previous job, so I can clear my head inbetween. It should really help me. I'm also going to try and pay good attention to how I'm feeling throughout the day, so I can try to be fast enough with a painkiller, food, water or just take a little downtime, before a migraine gets a real chance.

I don't know, we'll see how it goes. It's going to be a lot of time at the office for me at first and eventually, I'll be able to work from home for about half of my working hours, so that'll be cool. I think once the starting period is over, I'll find my way and my head will probably be alright. It's just the starting period I'm a little worried about.

The 'good' thing is, I planned my 'womanly joys' (period) a week ago, so I was sick until two days ago. I won't have that crap wear me down for about two months now (yay for the pil). So, I guess I'll just be a little positive, hoping things will all turn out great!

Due to the period and some other kind of stomach illness, I had a crappy couple of days and didn't do much again. I had plans too. Garden plans. So many plans I wanted to finish before work started, but I just have to remind myself: Life doesn't end when work starts! I still have time left outside of work. It's just three days and sure, I have to recover in my time off, but I must have some energy left, right?

I'm hoping things will go well and the work will be a nice challenge. I'm not sure what the priorities are yet, but I have a few ideas to help out already. I am excited about this work, so I think the job might actually give me some energy, instead of just draining it. I remember how that used to be the case when I liked my job. Positive thoughts!

There's just the one thing I'm not looking forward to: Driving. Ugh. Can't be helped though. If I were to cycle, a one-way trip would take me two hours, which is just a liiiittle bit too much. Especially when we're headed into autumn with its winds and rains. Oh well, I'll just have to drive three times a week and eventually, it'll just be one or two times a week. I can deal with that.

We're supposed to go to a birthday this morning, but I decided I'm not going. I'm sorry hubby has to go alone, but I've had a crappy week and don't want to risk getting sickish again. With a packed home filled with little kids, I'm pretty sure it's risky, so no birthday party for me. Don't want to start my job with being sick. I'll just have some me-time. That's something we all need from time to time, right?

I wonder how much time I'll be spending on the blockchain once work starts. I know last time, I disappeared. I'll try to remember to think about this and if it does turn out to be too much, I guess I'll have to delegate most of my HP to some good communities. There's a new-ish vegan/plant-based community I think... That could be a good cause! Well, we'll see how things go. It's not like I'm around all that much right now either. I tend to go full steam ahead here when I'm jobless and hit the breaks once I know I'm going to start making money some other way again. I guess in that regard, this blogging thing is a bit of a replacement for a job for me. It gives a bit of structure to my life, a goal. But it does require a lot of energy.

So, no promises. I hope I'll be able to stick around a little. Do some of my own curating. If not, I'll let you know (I hope)! For now, I'm sure I need to focus on work the next week, so I won't be around much. Hoping to see you on the other side!

Wish me luck and a big lack of headaches!

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P.S.: The pictures in this post are mine and not to be used anywhere else.