HELLO! I'm New Here🥺

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you all. My name is Mary Pink. I come from a family of five, four boys, being the only girl, I tried my best not to be influenced by the boys and start behaving like a boy. It is usually a norm for girls in a family of all boys to end up as Tom boys. To remain female, I did as many girlie things as I could. Make ponytails, became obsessed with anything pink, had teddies, fell in love, had my heart broken and all that and all that.

I'm a graduate of statistics. I thought as a statistician, I would perfectly understand understand how forex trade works. Unfortunately they gave me a hot chase, despite all lessons and trainings 😅 Ever since then, I've been hoping from one crypto project to another. I guess my vast knowledge of crypto is one of the good things that resulted from growing up with boys. Before I got into crypto, it always felt like boys business, but my brothers dragged me into it, the same way they dragged me into hive.

What Made Me Fall In Love With Hive.

Before my brothers onboarded me to hive, I'd usually pick up their phone to explore this platform which they are always talking about. It was so cool to see people from across the worlds making comments on their post. And it didn't end on hive, the conversations continues on discord app. The jokes, the laughter, the games, everything was so real. You would think that they were child hood friends or even family members. One of my brothers is already learning ESPANOL due to the amount of Spanish friends he has from hive. I just knew I had to join this family, and I'm glad I finally did.

Let's take a look at some of my hobbies.

Dancing- Yeah, I'm quite an expert in dancing while sitting down😅 Just shaking my head and hands. Once it comes to actually getting up and dancing, I'm a very terrible dancer. I just enjoy moving my body to a beat, no matter how awkward the outcome looks.

Singing- There was a time when I took singing quite serious. I'm actually a chorister in church, that is when I'm not too lazy to go for practices. The rest of the time I'm a bathroom singer. You know that moment when you sing away in the bath tub feeling like you are a grammy award winning musician.

Wrestling- 😅 This is one of the crazy things I learned from my brothers. As kids we would wait for mom and dad to go out, then we would invade their rooms and wrestle on their mighty giant beds. I became so fund of wrestling that at a time I wanted to become a wrestler in future. But then when I got serious with the whole girlie lifestyle, I had to drop wrestling. Not entirely tho, as I converted it to pillow fight. So be warned, whenever you are on my bed, you are at risk of being attacked with a pillow at any time 😅


Before making my introduction post, I had to go through some previous introductory posts to see what it actually looks like. I saw most users displaying their handworks and some trades their learning. Some displayed cakes, footwears, clothings and other cool products and Achievements. Well for me, I might have to show you screenshots of deposits made to my crypto wallets, that's the only Achievement I can think of right now. Ever since I graduated, I have been into anything crypto related, never for once have I gone in search of a job with my certificate, because these days they pay peanuts and end up using you like a slave.

Well I've got some academic Achievements, B.sc statistics and hoping to do a masters someday in Oxford university or any other classy, popular university.

That's about all I can say about myself right now. Perhaps with time, I'll get to share more about myself and get to meet all the wonderful people out there on the platform.

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