Gender Equality, Sexual Harassment, or a load of S**T?

Bit of an odd topic for me to be discussing, but this comes from a conversation I recently had with a friend. As many of you know, I'm not the most politically correct person in the world and so I know the contents of this post might offend some people. The aim is not to offend but express my opinion, have a bit of a rant, and have a healthy discussion.


Gender Equality. it's a good thing, right?
Well, I think so anyway. But what I don't get is why some women seem to get upset when one of the lads, talks to them like one of the lads. Or why some of these women will flaunt it, often using their sexuality to gain some sort of an advantage, and then cry #metoo when men, just act like men!

If we want gender equality, equal treatment, and respect as equal, then we have to return the respect. Why give men so much shit for being men. Men are just as hormonal as women, only most often in a way different way. Okay so equality has nothing to do with hormones, but it has everything to do with being human. Eat, sleep, reproduce, and die. The circle of life. It's part of a man's genetics. We expect man to tolerate our hormonal mood swings, but when they act out, it's oh #metoo. Like WTF.

If an attractive woman walks into an office, I think it's okay that men look. If an attractive man walks into the office, it's equally ok for me to be looking 😀. Women do it too. They will look at the attractive man and the attractive woman. ALL THE TIME. Stop fucking pretending.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to defend men either. In fact, I hate most of them anyway, but it just gets on my goat when those that say they want equality and acceptance, really just want to be treated like a higher species.

I expect men to take out the bins. Maybe deep down im a sexist pig too.

Political correctioness and sexuality(human nature) don't go hand in hand. And I would rather not replace human nature with political correctness.


Many years ago I was at a massive after-party. I had been to a gig, rave (with a well known European DJ) after which I somehow managed to find myself in the penthouse suite of a 5-star hotel at the afterparty. It was rather bizarre, to be honest, but all in all a great night out. At this after-party, there were many very attractive girls. Most of which were dancers. All of which were throwing themselves at both the DJ and the club owner. All competing against each other for these men, and using their sexuality to do so. The club owner was a sleaze bag. He was a big man, and not in the muscley sense, really bad skin, and sweaty, horribly sweaty. Simply put, he was a pig, But mega loaded. And that's what the girls were really after. The money. The free drink, and a few free lines of coke. Women are far from perfect.

At some stage, during the party, this sleaze bag came over to me. I can't remember what he said to me or even how the conversation went. I do know he was hitting on me and I remember he concluded I was a lesbian because I wasn't interested in him or the DJ, and called a dancer over to give me a lapdance. Oh man such a mega crazy night. I didn't feel very comfortable with the lap-dancer swinging her bits in my face but I can fully laugh at the entire situation. I can laugh at how stupid that man was, driven by hormones and full of coke. But that's men. Just like women, men are far from perfect. But he had an impression of women being loose and easy because that's how women were around him.

Not all men and women are like those at the party that night. And yes I accept sometimes bad things happen. But most often, men are just being men. You want equality, then you gotta accept their faults because until you do, there will be no equality. I want to be able to have a laugh with men and with women. If men said half the things to women that I say to men, they would get a terrible time.

Now that I have had my rant, I wonder who I will get attacked by more, the men or the women. I know I don't post often, but sure when I do, I might as well discuss something controversial. So whos worse, men or women? Have gender inequality and sexual harassment claims gone to far? Are we trying to change human nature? Are we killing the ability to have fun with the opposite sex?

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