My End of the Year Letter and Plans for the Next Year

A 2023 With Hive

Starting with hello would be the right thing to do since I have learned that Hive is a world of its own occupied by real humans building real communities, real brands, and real connections.

I started the year with no Hive but it didn't go on for long. Wanting to start the year with a direction and I came across Hive. Upon entering, everything looked vague even when everything was clear. How can something so clear be so blur even in the presence of light. I had all the help I needed but didn't know I was getting help because I couldn't navigate my way around and wanted to be spoon fed, so I was told but I would not like to dwell on that.

I didn't really learn much when it comes to Hive in the entire 11 months of 2023 but in the last 3 days, I have been able to understand the ecosystem although there are still a lot of things I need to learn and I have decide to ride on these knowledge.

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2024 Going Forward

If I tell you I will be having 100K HP before the end of 2024, that would be a big lie because I do not know where I will get that from. It would have been possible if I make $3 to $10 daily but the truth is I live below minimum wage in my country just as over 150 million people. If I were to divide my earnings, I will be making $0.30 daily at 10,000 Naira monthly since $1 is equivalent to 1100 Naira.

Since I know I cannot afford to buy hive at my current state, should I give up? That's not an option since I am not one that gives up but then I have decided to end the year 2024 with over 1k HP. I use the phrase "Over 1K" because I cannot tell if I will be having 10k, 100k, or even a million HP (haha) but having above 1k HP is still Visible.


You Will Be Seeing Me Everywhere

From one community to another, do not mind me not mentioning communities, I do not want to sound like I am calling them one after the other, but I will be on almost everyone's post and you will know me as your next Hive Neighbor. I am also going to be keeping as many Hive Engine tokens that I can get in the process of going on this journey.

That said, I want to be one of the first people to welcome you to a new year, and I hope you have a splendid 2024 just like I will be having.

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