The many natural faces of the beach!


Mother nature is gradually reclaiming this old jetty!

One can only wonder about what this jetty looked like when it was new!

How many expensive boats stopped here to drop touring guests for the hotel next door?
The jetty was built with what we call hardwood railway sleepers, such as the ones that form the carriers of train lines and the jetty must be at least 40 or 50 years old.
There was also a very big dynamite factory up the road and surely they must also have used the jetty to load boats for export.
I will have to look into the history of this jetty!

We had heavy rain overnight and for most of the morning. Fortunately later in the day some cloud breaks appeared and we nipped down to the beach. Although it is now Winter here I will show you sights that appear like the four seasons all in one day.
Let's have a look!

This post is also meant for the #wednesdaywalk challenge by @tattoodjay and his partner #makemesmile by @elizacheng


A happy kelp gull above with a bite to eat. Looks like Summer here doesn't it?


Clouds running across the sun place a much darker almost Autumn look on the beach here!


Now this is a real bright sunny Summer look!


Contrasted here with a bleak Winter appearance!


And here above is a real Spring season look.
Told you that you will see all four of the seasons in one day!


The clouds here above the ocean justified the inclusion of this shot!


That's our little silver VW Polo Maxx car at the front right here and I wanted to show you the clouds above the seaside town!


I think this is the same little gull that came to greet me at a previous post and his friendliness should raise a smile!


Some gulls on a sea cruise across the warm face of the sun!


Finally, these are the residents of the old jetty that you saw in the first picture. Nature has indeed claimed it back!

Many of the townships have been flooded last night and early this morning, and there are reports of other towns in the country that have also had some severe damage. Please think about those people and their sufferings, and for those of you that do pray...please pray for them. It is the worst time now in Winter to get flooded out.

This is only the start of our heavy rains during Winter, and as I type this the sky is black again; which means that tonight the wind will roar and the water will cascade again. On the other hand, we also desperately need the water to fill the dams, and to supply drinking water to the province and its people.
Reminds me about life, as the good and the bad seem to run side by side; and we have to accept both.

Note: This is an authentic post and all pictures are my own!

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


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